Permaculture Plan – Our Garden Beds
So recently the Dacha has been working on a new permaculture plan, thinking about our Zone 1 and how we can get food closer to the house. In the last few years we noticed that things were growing really well right in front of the windows so we made some new beds.
What started out looking more like Dacha graves, soon took on a better look. Here is our first bed:
Danila picked up some black locust wood – a truck full of odds and ends which made pretty sweet boxes.
Thanks to our visitors, Lauren and Brian, we took a day to cut and put it all together.
This snake was watching us lazily from the pond rocks!
Well, we were goofing off a bit…I mean, we were just measuring the beds to see how comfy they would be…yeah…
As of now, we’ve planted some broccoli, lettuce, kale, more kale, and beets into these babies. More to come as we make room for our many plants, which I can’t wait to eat.