Grandma says I’m on my way to the Poet Laureate’s salary
I’m being published in this fabulous new collection, ECTOPLASMIC NECROPOLIS, by Juliet Cook of Blood Pudding Press. She exemplifies everything I love about DIY publishing–fuzzy ribbon, hand binding, & lots of style.
Read more about Blood Pudding Press here and pick up a copy of ECTOPLASMIC NECROPOLIS. Lily wants me to be famous like yesterday & I’m currently behind schedule!
Also: my amazingly talented roommate, Rick Pickett, is spreading the word about the Midday MAY DAY Strike, which will be happening this thursday @ noon:
it is almost may–which means time for a cross-country road trip ending in the summers of brooklyn & time spent on our very own land. we’re officially tree huggers & dirty hippies now.
<3 sharon