Dacha ArtCamp to Celeberate our 5th!
We turn five this summer and are celebrating by getting together and making stuff! To learn more visit our Facebook event page or email us at dachaproject at gmail.
LeaLSF Cultura: art, film, writing, multi-media, DIY, event, Events, visitors= we love you dacha project, event, party 0 Comments
We turn five this summer and are celebrating by getting together and making stuff! To learn more visit our Facebook event page or email us at dachaproject at gmail.
LeaLSF DIY, garden, video, visitors= we love you alternative baby shower, celebrating birth, dacha, garden, party, project, work 0 Comments
Have you ever been to a baby shower and thought hey aside from these cute cupcakes this has very little to do with new life? I have thought this exact thing while munching on a delicious cupcake. I won’t do it, said I to myself! Then as I was sitting around wondering how I can possibly get done all those things I want to this spring a train of thought hit me, and it went like this. I like my friends, I do want to celebrate with them, I/we can use some serious help in the garden, and my friends want to come get sweaty outside after a long winter.
After a bit of planning here at the homestead we invited framily from near and far for a Saturday of epic gardening. That day we crossed off of our list these things: prepping old garden beds, digging many a hole through tough soil, pounding black locust posts in for a new garden, clearing out trees for a baby fruit tree orchard, planting fruit trees, building trellises for peas, and planting early plants directly into the garden. We ended up getting that done and more. Other things that got done: bonding, new friend making, fixing tools, maple syruping, bon-firing and a ton of cooking.
Thank you to all who participated. It made all of us here at the DP feel so warm and fuzzy to celebrate a new life coming to the homestead with all of you. Like, Monica Fanya, one enthusiastic participant said, “It’s like planting baby food, just in the early stages.” So true!
Please enjoy some photos and videos of the event.