Dacha DIY Hot Water Systems…an Experiment
lilygpad buildings, DIY brumby pump, DIY hot water, domestic hot water, evacuated tubes, hot water, hot water battery, lister engine, off grid systems, off grid water system, solar hot water, sustainable, Sustainable Tompkins, thermosyphon, well pump 1 Comment
Allow me to back up to mid April when some of us finally moved out to live at the Dacha. It wasn’t the easiest move since the interior of our home was still very warehouse-like: dusty, bare and full of tools. With a very minimal amount of energy and water, we soon had to get our priorities straight. The basics being: food, water and heat.
For a while, me and my sis literally camped out in front of the wood stove, our tents the only “clean” space to sleep in.
Contemporary Prairie Schooner aka Gypsy Wagon Visits Dacha + Makes Us Happy
LeaLSF buildings, DIY, visitors= we love you alternative building, blog, building, contemporary prairie schooner, dacha project, DIY, friends, gypsy wagon, houses on wheels, movable home, road trip, sustainable living, tiny house, whittled down 0 Comments
Friends Libby & Tristan built a gypsy wagon, or as they’re calling it a Contemporary Prairie Schooner, on a trailer bed and towed it from New Mexico- The Land of Enchantment– to the Northeast- The Land of Abstraction behind their Hyundai. It’s now their very own little house!
Art Installation of the Month: The Gates at Dacha Project
LeaLSF buildings, Cultura: art, film, writing, multi-media, DIY, multimedia, Uncategorized alternative building, building, community, construction, dacha project, DIY, footers, foundation, green nettle dacha, homestead, intentional community, photos, sustainability, the Gates at Central Park, tompkins county, upstate ny 1 Comment
The Dacha Project recreates The Gates at Central Park in an attempt to bring big city culture to the stix. You can see a visitor, Joe, enjoying the site and the magnificence.
Also we discovered that The Gates- luckily- serve a further function of marking where our footers will be dug. Thx Gates.
Also enjoy this photo of Gals Digging Footers, to prove that we don’t just make art installations but also dig footers. Thx Gals.
-Lea LSF
Progress Report: West Side with Footers for the Addition
LeaLSF buildings, DIY, multimedia alternative building, building, community, construction, dacha project, DIY, earth-berm, finger lakes, foam, footers, foundation, homestead, intentional community, photos, recycled materials, sustainable, sustainable living, tompkins county 0 Comments
If you check for the previous photo of the week you will see almost the same view, but some things have changed. For one the wing wall has been knocked out to make room for the addition. The berm, which is the earth piled up behind the wing wall, has been removed. The area next o the house has been leveled, and graveled. The back and side footers have been poured, and what we see Danila and Joe doing in the corner is stacking block. The pipes you see by Danila and Joe are for septic. They are currently working right by the bathroom. I will try to remember that one day when I’m brushing my teeth in that bathroom with some herby toothpaste or something else that makes brushing teeth more fun. Yey.
The foam on the ground is for insulation, and eventually the entire area will be covered with it.
The front footer has not been poured with the rest, b/c it will be poured with the slab (floor) itself to ensure extra strength. The foam on the side of the building is to insulate the wall where bermed earth used to fulfill that function.
More updates soon!
-Lea LSF
A Rustic Barn Board Ceiling for the Cottage
diznila buildings, DIY barn board, barn boards, barn wood, ceiling, cottage, Finger Lakes Reuse Center, hardwood, oak, reclaimed materials, reclaimed wood, recycled materials, recycled wood, refurbished wood, refurbishing, restored wood, salvage 0 Comments
After mulling for weeks about how to finish the ceiling on our straw bale cottage, we still couldn’t decide what to do. Should we go with drywall, the (cheap) material of choice for nearly everything built these days? Or tongue and groove wood, which would definitely look amazing, but would cost at least 4-5 times more.
As we wrestled back and forth, an opportunity fell into our lap. While hunting for a bathroom vanity at the Finger Lakes Reuse Center, we noticed that they had reclaimed barn boards for sale at a very reasonable price. Before long, we were driving back to the Dacha with a truckload of miscellaneous planks, most of them oak from 60-80 years ago. The boards were a dull gray on the outside, with a thick layer of dust and the occasional worm hole. They looked dingy, about what you’d expect for a plank that’s been in use inside a barn for the larger part of a century. You could still see deep saw marks from now-antiquated milling equipment.
Recycled Wine Bottles Add Good Churchy Feeling
LeaLSF buildings, DIY, reclaimed materials building, dacha project, DIY, finger lakes, gorges, homestead, passive light fixtures, reclaimed materials, recycled materials, reused materials for building, reused wine bottle, southern tier, wine bottle light 0 Comments
Visitors beware when you step inside the Dacha Haus you’ll see colors and glowing orbs. While not quite the illumination of the divine, all hail the awesome sun as it catches the diffused color of all-dry-now wine bottles.
Yes, after seeing many pictures on homestead blogs and in straw bale building books, we have joined a movement of people using recycled wine bottle as passive energy light fixtures.
We’re just at the beginning stages of this, but these photos are cool! For more visit my flickr Dacha Project set.
Earth-bermed, passive solar Common House .vs. Snowmaggedon 2010
LeaLSF buildings, DIY, Uncategorized alternative building, building, dacha project, DIY, earth-berm, eco buidling, finger lakes, fingerlakes, gorges, green nettle dacha, homestead, intentional community, ithaca, photos, snowmaggedon, solar passive, sustainability, sustainable, sustainable living, tompkins county, windows 1 Comment
Before we forget how awesome the Dacha Haus Part One preformed in Winter ’10 here are a couple of photos of February. They are also to remind this summer’s building crew that as we build Dacha Haus Part Deux a winter in the Southern Tier is no joke, but that we got it on lock down!
All photos by Joe Fisher.