Fix-it-Yourself: Juicer or any Appliance (with a case of a blown fuse blues)
On a blustery early spring day, I was juicing carrots, oranges and parsley, when my juicer suddenly stopped working. I love this juicer and did not want to throw it away, so heart-broken I asked for advice. Joe and Danila said, let’s take it apart and see what’s wrong. After a few minutes of fiddling with a Philips head, we found a blown fuse on the circuit board. You know a blown fuse when you see won, because the filament inside the glass tube is broken, and no longer continuous.
We promptly replaced the fuse with one we had lying around (.25 cents at the hardware store), and in just ten minutes my old but sturdy juicer is back in action!
Joe says: Today, many appliances are made in such a cheap fashion that they don’t even have a fuse. Still, checking the fuse, or for the fuse is always a great idea. In this case, it saved us 80 dollars.
Danila says: Tips to remember- Label your wires and keep track of your screws.
I say: Fuses come in different gages. Look forĀ the gage number written on the fuse or on your appliance, and replace it with one of equal value. Fuses are easy to replace, you can pop one out with your finger, or a butter knife, and they pop back in easily as well.
March 10, 2012 @ 5:37 am
Great! Now make me a smoothie!
July 14, 2012 @ 2:18 am
I was so happy to find your site about repairing the juicer. Mine even looks exactly the same. Mine is called Juice Lady. However, when I took mine apart there doesn’t seem to be afuse. Your picture is small and so are the circuits, so it was hard to see. I took my magnifier and tried to see the fuse you were pointing to, it looks like a small but long clear fuse. Is that right? If it is, mine doesn’t seem to have one and everything is saudered on the circuit board.
Is there anything I can do fix mine if it doesn’t have this fuse? I think perhaps I accidentally got water inside when I cleaning it. I was also juicing and it just stopped.
Thank you.
July 17, 2012 @ 4:48 pm
Hm, that’s a tough one. The fuse looks like a small glass tube with a filament, and snaps into a small metal enclosure. Ours was very visible, and the filament was broken, indicating it was blown. If yours doesn’t have a fuse, I’m not sure what to do, it could have damaged the circuitry when it was under serious load. If water got in there, you could always try to dry it out thoroughly by leaving the board in some rice for a few days. You can fix a lot of electronics that got wet that way!
Good luck,
July 18, 2012 @ 1:35 am
Thank you for the tip on using rice to dry out the circuit board. Never heard of that. This did happen some time ago, but I can see for sure now that mine doesn’t have a fuse. Very disappointing, these juicers aren’t cheap.