Film Crew Comes to Dachaland
Yes, yes, we love all our sustainable systems, but a lot of us here at the Dacha are also really into the arts. It is our hope to integrate the systems side of things with our love for music/art/writing..etc. Luckily for us, the arts have been coming to us.
Recently Lisa Marie Patzer from Philly came with her film crew to use the Dacha in her movie a.k.a. Profile Glitch. Check it out.
Part of the film takes place at an intentional community – and hey,we’ve got one of those (although I think the one in the film is a bit different). We got to watch the crew set up for scenes and re-arrange the place to fit their vision.
They also had to deal with things like lighting with our giant windows, or sound with the generator/inverter making their respective noises. There was also the issue of energy – the lights used in the film needed a lot of power and we had to be careful to make sure the batteries were charged. We are proud to say that this part of the film was shot all off grid using solar and veggie converted energy sources. Helping out the sustainable movie biz – that’s right.
Remember the tent? Well, it’s gone now – just the frame is left. The film crew came with sheets and recreated it for the movie. It was really hot in there but they toiled on. It looked really great in there though.
I really enjoyed having the crew over. I actually learned a lot about what it’s like to be on the scene of a movie, and how much work it takes. I want to do more of this kind of stuff – the creative things – and now the Dacha is more ready for it, too. It’s like we have this space, this playground, that has so much potential for a variety of projects and collaborations. I’m excited …and cut!
July 1, 2012 @ 7:20 pm
The most generous and accommodating film location ever! Thank you Dacha Project
July 4, 2012 @ 2:52 am
Thanks! Next time, more swimming.