new is [almost] here
You have arrived at our new website. Please look around, but do not be ALARMED at the sight of empty pages. The site is fresh up in the garden, and the Dacha Project crew is busy populating/pollinating it with content.
Still if you are here, best to look around! Have suggestions or the need to lavish praise upon us for the new site, then please email us @ dachaproject at gmail dot com.
A big shout out to ARI MOORE, super-heroine from Shirari Industries, for building the site, and to Lea LSF (that’s me) for the graphic design! And multiple props to the rest of the Dacha crew for all the input, terrific ideas and the general hi-five-ish quality they possess.
When all is ready we’ll have an official website launch! Imagine the fun…also, when all is rolling, we’ll be looking for a media intern, or two, to help document the projects here. So if you know someone, let them know.
July 18, 2011 @ 2:28 am
You guys are great. I love the new site. Good luck with it all!
July 18, 2011 @ 7:12 pm
Thanks Karen! We appreciate your kind words:)