Dacha Drawing Academy

The Dacha is hosting a class as part of Ithaca Freeskool!

Check it out!

Dacha Drawing Academy:

Teacher: Kevin Mayer 607-898-4704 kevinmayer3@gmail.com
When: Thursday evenings 7pm-9pm, beginning Feb. 17
Where: The Dacha
The Dacha Drawing Academy is an ongoing, weekly gathering of lovers of the fine art of drawing… as a means to an end or an end in itself. It’s a place to share drawing skills, explore ideas and techniques, receive criticism and instruction. It is a place to draw, to learn drawing and to be drawn, if you wish. It is open to all levels of experience. It is what you want it to be. Specific class activities will be determined by the needs/desires of the participants. Bring your own drawing materials. About the teacher: Kevin Mayer has been teaching all levels of drawing at SUNY Cortland since 2007. Other teachers are encouraged to participate!