Sponsor a Fruit or Nut Tree and Reap the Harvest

Dear Friends, Family and Patrons of the The Dacha Project’s Blog,

It is hard to believe that spring is right around the corner, especially when it is five degrees outside as we’re writing this. Still, experience tells us that grasses will bloom and the birds will come home, and that not all is lost to the ruthless ravages of winter.

How about this one is it a fruit or nut tree?  I'm afraid its neither a fruit or nut. Moving Photo by Liz K, 2008

How about this one is it a fruit or nut tree? I'm afraid neither. Moving Photo by Liz K, 2008

Here, at the Dacha Project in downstate, NY there is nothing more we look forward to than the coming of the May sun. This spring, after the earth thaws, the Dacha Six will break ground on the building of a large common house. We know that we will be busy bees with the sustainable building and all, and that every last cent of our funds will go to buttoning up the building before winter comes again, but we hate to miss the earliest opportunity we have to plant an orchard of fruit and nut trees.

We’re writing you with a special request and offer: SPONSOR A FRUIT OR NUT TREE OF YOUR CHOICE FOR JUST $20 (or as much as you can contribute), AND REAP THE HARVEST….in only four to six years.

And did we mention that a plaque of some sort will adorn your sponsored tree or bush with your name on it? Every donation of four or more trees and you will get a Grove named after you! Contribute funds for ten or more saplings and we will name a Woodland in your honor.

This tree is lovely, but where's the fruit?

This tree is lovely, but where's the fruit?

All saplings will be around two years old, acquired from socially and environmentally responsible orchards and will begin producing fruit in the coming years. Our vision is order them this March/April and plant them early this May, which is the best time for a sapling to be reacquainted with the soil.

Contribution: $20 is the going rate per sapling or $15 per bush. If you want to contribute, but cannot afford to sponsor a whole sapling, know that any amount will be greatly appreciated and will certainly go towards buying a whole sapling.

To order: Review the fun-filled list below and e-mail us (dachaproject[at]gmail[.]com) with your full name and the trees and bushes of your choice .

Sending payment is easy:
via PayPal here: http://tinyurl.com/dachadonate or by check (address sent upon request).

Lea, Marina, Danila, Joe, Sharon & Lily

Your Fabulous CHOICES


Asian pears
Sour cherries
Plums (japanese, asian, american)
Cornelian Cherries (кизил in Russian)
Sweet Cherries
Pawpaw (a native fruit tree that tastes like a mixture of bananas, mangoes and pineapples!!!)
Hardy kiwi fruit
Beach Plum


black/red currant
hardy grapes