Ring them bells
This news is a bit belated, but just as official–the land is OURS!
On July 15th Lily, Lea, Danila, Joe and I gathered to sign away our collective souls to 16 acres of green goodness (Marina was there in postal spirit).
Although I have recently (and reluctantly) left the utopia of shale-laden waterfalls and lake-front farmer’s markets that is Ithaca for the foggy coastline of the bay area, our land survey keeps me company out west.
Hanging prominently on my wall, it reminds me that this “utopian experiment” is no longer a fantasy or a dream, but a very tangible reality for all six of us. Let the games begin!
August 22, 2008 @ 2:35 pm
Congratulations, you *kulaks!
August 22, 2008 @ 8:05 pm
Sharon! Our land is irregularly shape. Isn’t it?